Thursday, September 24, 2009

A look inside the apartment, finally!

This is our apartment door. On the outside. Not bad, eh?
Voici notre porte d’entree depius l’exterieur (couloir). Pas mal, non?
Pine Street apartment door

Walking into the foyer, the bathroom with clawfoot tub is on the right.
Et voila l’entree, avec a droite la salle de bain, et une baignoire a l’ancienne.
Pine Street apartment bathroom with clawfoot tub

From the bedroom, this is a glimpse of both bay windows.
Depuis la chambre, une vue des deux fenêtres victoriennes.
Pine Street view from bedroom towards front of apartment

This is the bedroom bay window in all its glory.
Et la, la fenêtre de la chambre dans toute sa splendeur.
Pine Street bay window in bedroom

Looking out the window and down Pine Street.
Le vue de notre rue, Pine St, typique San Francisco.
Pine Street apartment view from window

Turning around in the bedroom and facing the foyer and living room.
Et on se retourne, regardant dans la chambre, l’entree et le salon.
Pine Street view from bedroom towards center of apartment

Close up of the hardwood floor detailing.
Detail du parquais.
Pine Street apartment hardwood detailing close up

In the kitchen, there’s a door in the pantry door.
Dans la cuisine, il y a une porte dans la porte qui mene a un petit cajibis.
Pine Street apartment pantry door with a door

And finally for fun, I whipped together a floorplan.
Et pour le plaisir, voici un plan de l’appart fait maison.
Pine Street apartment floorplan

My previous post on finding the apartment is here:

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